
There are no samurai here at O.G., but why not share a bit of info on them anyhow? Samurai lived by the Bushido code of honor. This code helped them to carry out their duty in service to their family and others, to put the need of others before the needs of themselves. This means that their individual needs were placed in a lower value then in their needs to care for others (Bushido). This is in line with the values of Eastern culture, which placed the needs of the group before the needs of the individual. In Western culture the needs of the individual are placed before the needs of the group.

Samurai wore special armor to protect them in battle, which included a mask that was intended to strike fear into the enemy (Samurai Japan). Samurai carried two swords, a larger katana for fighting, and a smaller blade they carried which they would use to kill themselves if they experienced dishonor. This smaller blade was also used to behead a defeated enemy. This smaller blade was much more personal to the samurai warrior. Samurai would leave their katana and armor outside of their home, while taking their smaller blade in with them and even keeping it under their pillow (Swords).

Samurai needed a sword which was sharp for cutting, yet durable, to avoid having the blade break in battle. To achieve this the sword was crafted using four types of metal: one that could be sharpened into a fine cutting edge, and three others to make to the blade durable. If a samurai warrior was to be successful he would need to know a lot about his weapons and how to use them. There was much focus placed on learning to use the katana, from drawing the blade from its sheath, to using the blade to strike at an enemy (Murphy). Read the original article here!

In the past the role of the samurai was very important for the people of Japan. To ensure that the samurai warrior was at his best it was important that he adhere to the rules of the Bushido code, as well as that he know the ins and outs of fighting with and without his weapons. This warrior from Japan’s past has had a high social status in his day and his influence has reached out to modern times with samurai appearing in comics, cartoons movies, video games and this webpage!


Murphy, John F., Jr. “Weaponry: Samurai Sword.” History Net Where History Comes Alive World US History Online. Military History Magazine, n.d. Web. 26 July 2015.

Samurai JapanFilms On Demand. Films Media Group, 1996. Web. 26 July 2015.

“The Bushido Code: An Overview.” PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 26 July 2015.

“Three Japanese Swords.” PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 26 July 2015.